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 +234 906 5695 676 |

info@hftmf.com |

Lagos, Nigeria


Hope for the Masses Foundation was established in 2017 and duly registered as a non-governmental organization with the Corporate Affairs Commission in June 2018. We adopted a five-year strategic plan in 2021 designed to help us respond to the changing needs of the communities we work with, while staying completely in tune with their everyday but solvable challenges. We know that every community has its own peculiar needs and no matter how similar the demographics, it is important to focus on their most urgent needs, and how solving those problems helps to resolve other issues plaguing their community. With due consideration for their peculiarities, our work continues to drive our agenda to create an environment for every woman, man and child to have and enjoy full access to basic infrastructure, education, health and political participation.

Five Cardinal Pillars:

Improving Quality of Life:

Prioritize programs that enhance living standards, ensuring access to clean water, sanitation, and safe housing.

Health Education and Awareness:

Educate the younger generation on health-related issues to promote long-term health and well-being within communities.

Ending Sexual Violence Against Children:

Establish a community-based task force dedicated to ending sexual violence against children and providing support for survivors.

Community Food Security:

Create a community food bank to combat hunger and malnutrition, ensuring that all community members have access to nutritious food.

Enhancing Political Participation:

Foster political participation and advocacy to ensure that community voices are heard and have a direct impact on local governance and policies.

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